Fiaz Technologies Community

How to get involved with the Fiaz Technologies community.

Get Involved with Fiaz Technologies

With our growing suite of applications and tools, Fiaz Technologies has a vibrant and active community. We’re thrilled to have you join us and contribute to our projects!


There are several ways you can contribute to the development and growth of Fiaz Technologies:

  • Documentation: Help us improve our documentation by suggesting edits or adding new sections to make it easier for users to understand our tools and services.
  • Codebase: Contribute to our codebase by fixing bugs, suggesting new features, or improving existing functionalities. Explore our repositories on GitHub.
  • Open Source Projects: Collaborate on our open-source projects. Check out our open-source projects and see how you can contribute.


Join the conversation, ask questions, and help others in the Fiaz Technologies community:

  • GitHub Discussions: Engage with other developers and contributors on our GitHub Discussions.

Social Media

Stay updated with Fiaz Technologies by following us on social media:

  • Github follow us on Github for more information.

Code of Conduct

We are committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful community. Please adhere to our Code of Conduct to help us maintain a welcoming environment for everyone.

We encourage you to read and familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct to ensure a positive experience for all community members.

Thank you for being a part of the Fiaz Technologies community! Your contributions and engagement are greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us via our support channels or community forums.